Monday, November 06, 2006 |
Fallout |
The E.C.F.H.A. kicked off Sunday night with four ambitious teams scrapping it out to show who is worthy of dominating the rest. We had an excellent turnout of 30+ students, and are looking forward to the next couple games in the future. Aslans Arsonists and Might gophers first took the floor and by surprise had a major turn of events.
First Period: Aslans Arsonists: 1 goal J. Crowe & L. Shoemaker, 2 goals J. Switzer Might Gophers: i goal A. Tysdal & L. Pederson
Second Period: Aslans Arsonist: 4 goals J. Switzer, 3 goals D. Drinnon, 1 goal L. Shoemaker Might Gophers: -
Third Period: Aslans Arsonists: 1 goal J. Crowe & M. Nickle Mighty Gophers: 1 goal A. Tysdal, K. Lomenda & T. Hammer
Aslans Arsonists takes the lead 1-0 Second up for the night was Fuerza & End Times
First Period: Fuerza: 3 goals J. Anderson, 1 goal L. Moore End Times: 5 goals B. Quist
Second Period: Fuerza: 1 goal L. Moore, 2 goals J. Anderson End Times: 2 goals B. Quist
Third Period: Fuerza: 5 goals L. Moore End Times: 3 goals B. Quist
The next E.F.C.H.A games will be held on Monday November 6 at 8:30 pm |
posted by Matt @ 10:13 AM  |
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