Monday, February 27, 2006 |
History Repeats Itself |
Trying to keep the thought of losing Provincials in the past, Ramblers look to the future, as they are back in home territory ready for another game, Ramblers continue to stay almost untouched with the competition still going strong against neighboring teams in league playoffs. Oyen Eagles took flight and landed in Eston. Game Update: Ramblers started strong, Darcy Morrice launched the game scoring the first goal. Oyen Eagles soon followed scoring 2 goals.
Second period of play, Ramblers Chris Winkler briefly tied the game, but having Oyen follow by 2 goals, end of 2nd period 2-4 for Eagles.
Third period, Eagles gain 1 more point, but soon The Ramblers had enough, Mike Flaman and Cam Bristow scoring 2 point in less than 2 minutes. In addition Cam Bristow cracking his skate blade the last minute of play. Eagles scored 1 more goal as they won the game 6-4.
So what does the future hold for the Ramblers? Well for this upcoming Friday, Ramblers B.B.Q. in Oyen, they will be having smoked bird. On Saturday, Ramblers play here in Eston and Sunday both games against Oyen. As well CBC will be filming the game on Saturday, so show up and support our Eston Ramblers! |
posted by Matt @ 6:15 PM  |
Sunday, February 26, 2006 |
It's No Rumor! |
"Big News out of Eston today. CBC will visit our community on Saturday, March 4. They will spend the day filming our community as we try to do our best to prove to them up close and personal why Eston deserves to be "HockeyVille!" Big congratulations goes out to the driving force behind this event, young Shay Brehm. His hard work and effort is paying off, but we still have some work to do! Come out and support Shay and our community as we put on a great show for CBC! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, so lets make the best of it!" |
posted by Matt @ 1:00 PM  |
Saturday, February 25, 2006 |
A Bittersweet End |
Blue hair, blue faces, blue Ramblers. If the news has not reached you by the carrier pigeon yet here it is: It's time to end the chapter for The Ramblers in Provincials, but time to start the next one.
Friday nights game was in Elk territory, having to make a comeback of 2 goals, the Elks made it even more less likely by 1st period they scored 3 goals, and Ramblers only 2. However, by 3rd period, Ramblers took a spectacular turn, scoring 2 more goals. The final score 3-5 for Elks. Nonetheless, I can truly say The Ramblers made us very proud for this journey they took us on.
Showing up in the Kyle stands was quite the experience. Kyle fans proved they are quite a different species. Hat's off to Kyle Elks for their win. Ramblers next game against Oyen Eagles 7pm in Eston. |
posted by Matt @ 5:58 PM  |
Wednesday, February 22, 2006 |
An Upcoming Revelation |
The clock is ticking, as The Ramblers have hardly any time to fit an upcoming hockey game in their tight schedule. With the Olympics on, and Canada still plunking their way through endless battles, Rambler players occupy themselves in front of the tube watching Canada battle Russia in the Olympics. This being the most important game for the Ramblers, it all comes down to this upcoming game. With Kyle owning the lead by 2, Ramblers are in some deep water but in sight of land. All The Ramblers need to accomplish is score 2 or more goals on Kyle. Get the fire ready cause The Ramblers are hungry for some Jerky! Ramblers are scheduled for play Friday 8pm in Kyle. |
posted by Matt @ 3:18 PM  |
Monday, February 20, 2006 |
The Adventure Continues |
An astonishing weekend for the Ramblers here in Eston. Friday’s night The Ramblers went back in time once more to battle The Eatonian Huskies. Without notice, The Ramblers skewered the Huskies with a score of 6-4. Ramblers’ game number four with Huskies in Eatonia on Sunday.
It is a new day for the Ramblers, and its time to step up their game. Hunting season has started in Eston and the Kyle Elks have just migrated south. The scary thought I have about these two provincial games is The Ramblers and Kyle Elks seem to be evenly matched. Both have excellent past reputations of winning, and last year Kyle beat out Eston in provincials. Saturday night The Kyle Elks have proved they want to win provincials, scoring 3 goals, with The Ramblers scoring 1. Although, that one goal is can be important in tallying up the final score. Next week the second and last game in Kyle is what is all comes down to. Ramblers must score 2 or more points to stay in provincials. There is still hope for our hometown hero’s. Next game it'll be time to hunt some Elk!
The Eston Ramblers had an astounding game Sunday night in Eatonia. To start off, yah Ramblers WON...the score...5-0! Even with our very own Jeremy Cooper scoring a goal! This now means The Ramblers can move on to the next round. Having won 3 of the 4 games in the five round tournament, Ramblers can skate away knowing that The Huskies are locked up in the pound for good.
posted by Matt @ 10:50 AM  |
Friday, February 17, 2006 |
Smallville Nominated For Six Saturn Awards |
Smallville has been recognized by the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror with several nominations for the 2006 Saturn Awards. Here are the categories where Smallville was nominated:Best Network Television Series: Smallville Best Actor on Television: Tom Welling (Clark Kent) Best Actress on Television: Kristin Kreuk (Lana Lang) Best Supporting Actor on Television: Michael Rosenbaum (Lex Luthor) Best Supporting Actress on Television (two nominations!): Allison Mack (Chloe Sullivan) and Erica Durance (Lois Lane) Best Television Release on DVD: Smallville: The Complete Fourth Season The Saturn Awards will be held on May 2 in Universal City, CA. -Kyrptonsite |
posted by Matt @ 11:20 AM  |
Monday, February 13, 2006 |
The Ramblers Revenge |
The Hockey tables have turned. Our very own Eston Ramblers played Eatonia huskies on Sunday night and took them on by force. With the huskies winning Saturday night’s game in Eston, The Ramblers had some payback and sent The Huskies to the pound. With an astounding final score of 5-2. Even though not all of Eston was present to see this brutal thrashing to the Huskies, nonetheless we are incredibly thrilled by this winning for The Ramblers. With three awe-inspiring games behind them from this week, two of them being wins, The Ramblers can celebrate knowing they gave it their finest all three nights. GO RAMBLERS GO!! Picture taken from Friday Nights Game |
posted by Matt @ 4:17 PM  |
Huskies mark their territory |
It was a sad start for the Ramblers today as they somehow lost bit of the superhero magic that was inside them. With last night’s game being the pure highlight of the week, this game dumbfounded fans. As the Ramblers battled it out with Eatonian Huskies, the Ramblers did not seem to give it there all. Although by 3rd period, they seemed to have dropped their meteor rocks and battled it out. With the last couple of minutes, the crowd was in attacking mode Yet, it was not enough for our heroes here, but we continued to cheer on the Ramblers no matter what the outcome would be. Sadly, The Ramblers did not win, but with no surprise made 3 goals on the last period with an outcome Huskies 6 and Eston 5. You beat us this time, but next time guard your parts Eatonia cause the Huskies are getting neutered! |
posted by Matt @ 4:17 PM  |
Red White and Beeelllluuuuueeeee!!! |
The colors of fans faces and jerseys on Friday nights game against Lucky Lake. The Ramblers gave it there all, and it very well payed off. Not only did we conquer Lucky Lake, we showed our true colors, and may have gotten a chance to put Eston on the map for an NHL Exhibition game, hosted by CBC. The game went incredibly well, with the Ramblers playing like a pro hockey team. With ten seconds left of play in the game, the Ramblers knew they had it in the bag, leaving the ice with a good 5-2 game. We have yet to experience the many more games here in this small town of Eston. In addition, what does the future hold for these Super Ramblers? We have one game behind us, and one more to go for tomorrow. Sleep Well Ramblers! |
posted by Matt @ 3:37 PM  |
Wednesday, February 08, 2006 |
Lucky Lake Sees Blue |
"If I were a Pig wallowing in the mud, I would be a very big dud, and that is me" taken from Nathan McLean after some discussion on this upcoming Friday night game. "The Blue will go well with the sunburnt neck of Lucky Lakes goalie". Adds Nathan
An update: Lucky Lake and The Ramblers tied 4-4 last game, so therefore both carry the previous points from last game to this you get it? All the Ramblers need to do is win by 1 point and they move on. "This is what it all comes down to" commented Clayton Mutch "Us...the smurfs, and the not so Lucky Lake" Lets make sure that The Ramblers move on. Paint your face, scream, and above all SHOW UP! |
posted by Matt @ 5:14 PM  |
Saturday, February 04, 2006 |
A Special Update |
If you are at all worried about Shanda's condition, here is an update. Shanda just came out of hiding a few hours ago, she is still in some critical condition, but on the mend. Shanda spoke, telling me that "I'm over him now (laughing) I need to trust in Jesus"...Shanda's Back! |
posted by Matt @ 6:43 PM  |
Friday, February 03, 2006 |
The Powerhouse: Chris Drinnan |
A blaze of eerie fog has consumed all of the School. In addition, we are stuck here like lab rats. All though knowing we are in good hands helps to ease matters, with The Black Wonder still running around saving people. The time ticks more slowly than ever. Although I also know, we are in the good presence of our trusted R.D.'s. One called Shanda, you may recognize her from her latest article talking about her blubbering over the loss of Nathan McLean. So we introduce Chris, the other R.D. I had the privilege to have a short interview with him:
Smattville: How did you ever get this job as R.D.?
Chris: "I was asked" (rolling eyes)
Smattville: Would you ever see yourself being the next Mr. Universe?
Chris:" Not without a lot of imagination"
Smattville: Tell us about your latest novel you have written?
Chris: (long blank stare) “Its called Autograph, and its two words long...Chris Drinnan”
Smattville: Anything you want to tell your fans who will be reading?
Chris:" Send money" (Abi: “he's taken...forever”)
Thank you Chris (and Abi) |
posted by Matt @ 4:12 PM  |
Thursday, February 02, 2006 |
Shanda Falls into Depression |
 Shanda receives the devastating information on Nathan McLeans true feelings. Shanda upon hearing this becomes elusive like a white panda. A recent interview with her, in her turmoil only produced whimpers and tears. Amongst the tears she uttered yet only three words: "Where's my Booboo" |
posted by Matt @ 4:58 PM  |
A Proposal? |
 "I Will Marry Lana Lang" -Ned McLean |
posted by Matt @ 4:46 PM  |
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